Physical advice / Tips

Before starting each stage, do some stretching exercises, paying particular attention to your calves and the muscles at the front and back of your thighs.

Don’t start your walk at an excessively intense pace, but start at a light, rhythmic pace.

Only when your body has warmed up you can gradually increase your pace. Once you have reached a sustainable level of effort, keep your gait steady and continuous.

It is important to adapt your gait to different types of terrain.

For example, on flat terrain, the stride width will be normal, whereas on ascents it can be shorter and slower to avoid strain.

On long climbs, it is very important to place the whole of the sole of the foot on the ground to avoid overloading the muscles.

The long, rapid stride is reserved for descents, but the type of terrain must be taken into account before accelerating the pace.

When walking downhill, part of the effort will also fall on your heels, so you will need to “plant” them firmly on the ground, without forcing, to avoid injury.

It is very important that your way of walking is comfortable, that the step does not require excessive effort that prevents you from carrying out other activities, such as holding a conversation.

A very important factor in avoiding injuries and tendonitis is the use of walking sticks, which will help us especially on ascents and descents and on difficult terrain, but also to give stability to our stride by taking the weight off our backs and knees.

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